Celine Meyran Martinez
PhD student in Linguistics
I am a PhD student at the Departement of Linguistics at the University of Toulouse 2 - Jean Jaurès in France. I work at the Laboratory of Studies and Applied Research in Social Sciences (LERASS - EA 827).
My thesis is part of a project that was selected as an incubator project by the French Direction du Numérique Educatif and is therefore partly funded by the French Department of Education. The project is called Immersive language learning (in French: APprentissage des Langues vivantes étrangères par IMmersion, APLIM). The mains actors in France are the Délégation Académique au Numérique Educatif (DANE) at the Academy de Toulouse and the Réseau Canopé. Both of theses institutions help promote the use of digital media in schools.
My research focuses on the effects of using virtual reality in the learning of a foreign language, in our case English. I want to find out how engagement in a task and attentional focus of the learner impact oral comprehensions. I conduct my experiments with students from four professional high schools of the Académie de Toulouse.
After earning a Master's degree in Learning and Didactics of French as a Foreign Language and a Bachelor of Arts in Languages, Literatures and Foreign and Regional Civilizations in Spanish, I would like to contribute to the research done in the still quite new field of immersive language learning.
e ducation
PhD degree at the Departement of Linguistics
University of Toulouse 2 - Jean Jaurès
2018 - now
Master's degree in Learning and Didactics of French as a Foreign Language
University of Toulouse 2 - Jean Jaurès
2016 - 2018
Bachelor of Arts in Languages, Literatures and Foreign Civilizations in Spanish
Toulouse 2 University - Jean Jaurès
2012 - 2015
French Foreign Language Supplement
Toulouse 2 University - Jean Jaurès
2014 - 2015
Other research interests
Teacher training
Choosing to be a teacher is not a vocation, but a passion. A passion for transmitting knowledge and experience to learners. I would take the perspectives that the teachers should be as well trained as possible, which goes without saying. Much more than knowing how to carry out a pedagogical sequence, the teacher must be able to know how to adapt continuously and to question his action as a teacher, whenever necessary. Student success is at stake. I think that teacher training should be continuous, not optional and that its content should be more access to didactic aspects. In fact, "a good teacher thinks in didactics and acts in pedagogy" (Tochon, 1991).
Integration of new technologies
This is an area that holds my full attention. The integration of new technologies in language teaching deals with societal aspects but also with individual factors. New technologies have been massively integrated into schools since the 1950s. Although widely accepted by teachers, their integration raises concerns and questions among teachers. Being able to distinguish them would make it possible to better anticipate this complex process, which involves acceptance and adoption of the digital resource in question.
Learning process
I am most interested in the learning process because I believe that before teaching, in particular a foreign language, we must understand how a student learns, how they remember what they learned, why and what happens when they call on teir primary but also secondary knowledge.
Learning strategies
Learning strategies are another area which I am interested in. This is what I shed a light on in my master's thesis. By identifying the learning profiles of our students, it is easier for us to offer them personalized learning opportunities, in particular by suggesting a range of learning strategies that match to their profile.